An amazing hostel for the free-spirited student

We make sure that you have the ideal experience - from basic hygiene of surroundings to providing you with the best amenities such as WiFI, AI Security control, fitness centers, housekeeping, among others.


Hostel rooms

We have everything you need

We make sure that you have the ideal experience - from basic hygiene of surroundings to providing you with the best amenities such as WiFI, AI Security control, fitness centers, housekeeping, among others.

  • Free available high speed WiFi

  • Сonvenient location in the center

  • Free storage of luggage of any size

  • Gym


Find suitable accommodation for you

Presidency was founded with the goal of providing students with high-quality, safe hostel accommodations as well as peace of mind for parents who are leaving their children in a different city.

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    Safety & Security

    One of our main priorities is to ensure your safety and security. We ensure that there is no compromise on this. Along with the best living environment, we have taken it upon ourselves to give you the best tools to provide you with the optimal precautions to ensure security and safety.


Premium Quality Rooms with all Amenities

See availability

Contact us

Staying away from home can be tough, but at Presidency we will ensure that you don't feel too homesick, by providing you with the best at-home living experience.